Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

Tag: value

Plein-Air in the fog at Pemaquid Point

It was a lovely sublime day with lots of surf and the rolling bands of thick to moderate fog.  It is always a challenge to paint in these conditions because the value range is so close and it is very hard to stay within these values.  Plus the colors are very muted and cool and it is easy to try and amp things up to get more contrast and more drama and that is not fog.

In The Studio: 11 Paintings, “Storm at Pemaquid”

This lesson is really just an attempt at creating a dark ominous sky and an exercise in learning a little more about painting rocks.  Remember to draw your rocks big angular and hard that is what they are.  Give them prominence but low enough in the sky that they will allow the sky to breathe.  I am using a very dark value scheme and lots of rich dark blues, browns and yellows.  Have a really good time with this a pay attention to the painting you must scrape the rocks just when the glisten has left the surface not after they left the paper and the whole thing dried. Big Brush, Bold Colors, and Brash Marks.