Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

Tag: poetry

A watercolor and poem

I can’t fish, I just don’t like hurting worms or fish but probably it’s because I never catch anything.  I don’t seem to have the patience but I love the serenity of watching people do it.  Whether they are on the side of a pier, in the river or on the banks of the Potomac, I just get lost in the quiet and peacefulness of the activity.  This painting is all about the beauty of early morning fishing and how small humans are in comparison to nature.  It is all about perspective and acceptance.


This painting and poem is based on a morning in the Kalahari Desert, when the sun was extremely bright and the temperatures were quickly rising.  We were headed to Deception Valley and I just felt an unbelievable attachment to the land and all those who had walked this ground for as long as we have been on the planet.

“Sitting on the porch”

In this painting I am really trying to focus on the sunset without it becoming a cliche.  I kept everything dark and without description and then built the paint up in the sky to bring the light forward.  This is a view of our lake at sunset and the poem is a reflection on duality and choices between negative and positive.  Its what we choose to focus on. 

An Oil Painting And Poem “Past its Prime”

This painting is a metaphor for all of the rural beauty that is being lost to urban sprawl.  I used a palette knife to paint most of it and it was a demonstration for my Friday class but I finished it at home.  Take the time to look and appreciate, the soon to be gone, farms, barns and fields, they are more than just quaint buildings; they are our past.  They reflect the society we were before we became virtual and gadget oriented.

“Seagulls” Oil Demonstration

I finished this painting last week, which I did as a demonstration in Rockland Maine in September.  I had to correct a few values that were a little wobbly.  The water behind the rocks and gulls was too light making it impossible to see the birds.  The water under the rocks needed some darker reflections