Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

Tag: watercolor figures

Creative Jumpstart: Think of One Big Shape

This jumpstart is a really a lesson I work on a lot with my students, it involves trying to make a painting by taking all of the principle subject matter and tying these separate pieces of information into one creative dark middle value shape.  If done well you will have considered how the shape works

Creative Jumpstart: Again Work From Memory

22 x 30 Watercolor I am a big believer in the creative use of memory in the artistic process and this exercise will again get you reaching into your brain and pulling out familiar images.  This is just the exercise for you, especially when you are searching for new ideas and directions and you’ve misplaced

Creative Jumpstarts: Toned Paper Drawing/White Paint

This exercise will seem daunting because of the subject matter I have chosen to use but don’t let that scare you off.  You really could make a wonderful painting with a subject like a boat, a house, or an arrangement of flowers.  The beauty comes from the quality of the shape you draw highlighted by

Creative Jumpstarts: Expressive Shapes

Divide a paper into smaller sections with tape.  Take a simple theme like the silhouette of a man or a house in the grass and exaggerate the shape to make it more interesting. Give it more length, interesting angles, more movement side to side or across it.  Then begin to change the position of the