Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

Tag: expressive line

Creative Jumpstarts: Think Wash Think Line

Again in this jumpstart I am using some very expressive and playful brushwork, but using a brush well is a major skill, that can’t be overlooked or practiced enough.  It might seem like all you are doing is making random and meaningless marks and the result is a messy painting, but you are really developing

Creative Jumpstarts: Quick Gestures of a Friend

  Grab your sketch book, a favorite drawing tool and do some quick gesture drawings of a dog, cat, animals in the field, toddler at the playground.  Move quickly and look for clues to the movement and the character of the subject.  These will be hard if you are the perfectionist in the crowd, because

Creative Jumpstarts: Abstract Landscape Drawing from Memory

Today I want you to take some drawing paper, the bigger the size the better, and using a really broad drawing tool, I am using a graphite crayon 6B, they come in both water soluble and non water-soluble, for this exercise I am using the non water soluble.  I use the soluble type when the

Creative Jumpstarts: Expressive Shapes

Divide a paper into smaller sections with tape.  Take a simple theme like the silhouette of a man or a house in the grass and exaggerate the shape to make it more interesting. Give it more length, interesting angles, more movement side to side or across it.  Then begin to change the position of the