Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

Tag: colors

25 out of 90, “Road to Ouray”

15 x 22 watercolor on 300lb Arches cold press.  Today, I am back in the mountains again, and this demonstration is pretty similar in colors to the one a few days ago.  I am really trying to push the mountains way back in the painting by having everything in front of them be darker richer and for the most part warmer.  I layered the colors on the mountain ridges to get a nice feeling of overlap and I do think it works pretty well.  The field in the foreground has a repeat of all of the colors in the mountains, but it is just really heavy on the warm tones. When painting snow capped mountains go pretty slow and make sure to soften a few edges on the dark shadow areas.  The shadows are painted with cobalt blue, burnt sienna, and cobalt violet and I painted with an 8 round, each mark is important but treat them with a variety of edges, hard, soft and textured.

America The Beautiful: Southwest Tapestry

I finished a painting today in my series America the Beautiful and, as they say in the world of fine wines,
I hope it has legs. I struggled getting the theme going, so I painted 3 canvases with under paintings of really strong colors and I have just tried to work against the ground.  This one had a really powerful Ultramarine Blue foundation and I just started to brush the colors that you might see on a Southwest Tapestry lots of violets and sky blues, I was trying to get the big sky working.  I think that part is pretty evocative of what I was after, and then with the addition of the white I found a distant snow covered hill just above the warm aspens and red cliffs.  Voila! there you have it and I give you a really expressive painting of the changing weather during the early spring in the southwest desert.  I hope  you like it. More down the road.