Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

In the Studio: Welcome Back to my Blog

I have been very busy with my painting and teaching, even though the Covid era, I have been teaching via email lessons. These lessons have been really exciting for those persons trapped inside their houses and without the ability to travel. This has been great for me and from their paintings I say it has been satisfying for them too. Today, I am going to post a few paintings from the last couple months and then next week I will start with posts that focus on the design fundamentals of making better paintings.


Welcome to my blog, I feel like I need to introduce myself to everyone again since it has been so long since I posted anything.  For that, I do apologize but I have been busy.  I do plan to start with weekly posts with this one.  I have been very busy with my painting and teaching, all during the Covid era, I have been teaching via email lessons.  These lessons have been really exciting for those persons trapped inside their houses and without the ability to travel. This has been great for me and from critiquing their paintings I believe it has been satisfying for them too.  Today, I am going to post a few paintings finished the last couple months and then next week I will start with posts that focus on the design fundamentals of making better paintings.  Please visit weekly, I do promise to be more involved and also promise to deliver you some great information on painting from images, creating personal artistic statements, and learning to compose and design better paintings.

Across The Field 9×12 oil painting
12×16 watercolor Boats in Rockport Harbor, Maine
12×16 watercolor “Blue Lake”
Thanks for visiting see you next week, Steve

3 Comments on “In the Studio: Welcome Back to my Blog”

  1. Nice and good paintings Steve. Thanks for showing them to us. You also show your great talent in the oil´s one. I love to contemplate your work. I am a faithful follower of yours. Ah! And thanks for your personal photo. Is wontherful to see your smile, artist!

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