This watercolor painting of warm light behind shadowed trees is basically a two value painting. Its’ contrast of strong value shapes and cool darks versus warm intense light gives the subject a powerful message. I tried to keep the details and highlights subdued in the dark foreground. Try to make your paintings about simple strong shapes and your work will be more successful.

12×16 watercolor on 300lb Arches paper
What do I know of heaven?
absolutely nothing
Its one of those magical
That never quite come
with understandable directions
But what I do know,
It won’t be found on my IPhone
Or on my favorite reality show
about amateur British bakers
cooking the best Victoria Sponge Cake
or even for that matter
Watching Pogba
Head it in the corner during stoppage time
Most of you have already moved on
And left this poem
you couldn’t care less
can’t be bothered
heaven is not real,
doesn’t exist
it is a concept for the feeble minded
who vote wrong
a pure waste of time
for the enlightened modern mind
To those I say
have it your way
I’m not talking orange robed mysticism
I’m talking real life
outside your mental window
Not an abstraction
But Heaven
Its not the knowing
Of Heaven’s zip code
Or a GPS reality
That’s important
It’s the act of living
With eyes wide open
Catching the flicker of wings
At the side of the river
When the cattails move
with the grace
of dancers
Hearing the tiny splash of swallows
As they swoop to catch the little hatchlings
and rapid chirp of redwings
As they call for their mate
Insuring their day in the sun.
it’s there, I believe
in the smallest of things
that I see
what I miss
when I run
headlong blind and arrogant
In the light of a thousand fireflies
Flickering up into the trees
Like the glow of the warm fires
of a Medieval cathedral
Or a frozen drop of rain
Clinging to the side of a river reed
reflecting light like the Queen’s jewels
Or the tiny yellow wild flower
That fights for its survival
Against the onslaught
Overpowering aggressive weeds
Like the lone man
Standing his ground in Tiananmen Square
Is not a destination
It is just heaven
Yes heaven
captured in the fresh earthy smell
of a summer rain
or the warm morning light
that streaks through the trees
and heats the dust and pollen
lifting it into an fine amber gold cloud
yes heaven
I look forward to your poems as much as your paintings.
Interesting that a poem can be restful but yet thought provoking…..
Luz de fondo brillante Gracias por compartir Steve. Un saludo
Bright backlight Thanks for sharing Steve. All the best Mercedes