This painting I did last spring and I liked it because of its’ simple elegance. The theme of stark trees against cool sky was all I need to say. I tried to make each tree unique and to really capture the cool mountain light. By using a large round brush for the entire painting I could achieve very expressive trees and shadows.

watercolor on 18×24 block
cool spring morn, clear light
cuts long shadows behind trees
on warm fecund ground
In solitary meditation while trying to capture the subtlety of early spring light. The immediacy of the brush and clarity of the colors, extend my vision onto the paper’s surface. My goal to paint this scene to reflect not only the light but to capture the smell of the dirt, the crispness of the mountain air and the nuances of the neutral grays of late winter. With quiet breathing and focusing only on the moment, I felt a part of the world around me, like the vultures circling high above the valley.
Stark cool afternoon
Light performs shadow ballet
warm ground naked trees
The atmospheric light that you have achieved in this watercolor, and the long shadows of the bare trees, intensely evoke a cold winter evening. The watercolor is fantastic Steve !!!