These two images are both of the same image just trying to get a different feel. In each I am trying to capture the light and the relationship between the wall, trees and distance.

18×24 watercolor

10×15 watercolor
A morning in March
Stones stacked by giants
Stand silent, backs to the west
Sun baked turtle shells
Absorbing the morning heat
Contented I dream of flight
On a clear spring morning, I walk over the green sodden hill, down to the stonewall, dry stacked during the Civil War. Three dogs join me skittering around like nervous escorts, doing their morning jobs wagging, sniffing, rolling, and squatting, keeping me in their sights. Early morning sun spotlights the stones with a warm sienna light and envelops the Blue Ridge Mountains in a lapis shroud. When winter is pulling a cover over its’ head and spring is just peaking out, it is easy for me to find my center and lose my self-importance. I just breathe and recharge.
Each rock rests quietly
Gently placed with mindfulness
Strong hands found their homes
Reading each cradle and crack
The hearth fire calls, I turn back
Both watercolors have their charm. I like them very much