Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

In The Studio: Painting 33 of 90 in 90 Days, “In The Canyon”

The Artist In The Studio

15 x 22 watercolor on cold press paper,  In this painting I am using white paper as an all over pattern as the foundation of for all of the other shapes and brushwork.  I used a 1.5 in brush for most of the painting using a color palette of Cerulean, Thalo Blue, New Gamboge, Hansa Yellow, raw sienna, burnt sienna and alizirin crimson. Start with a bold pattern of yellow preserving the white paper immediately follow with washes of blue creating a nice vibrant green.  Remember the strength of this painting will rest on your ability to keep the white paper working and preserved.

Painting with a broad brush lay down a loose pattern of cerulean blue and followed with new gamboge and hansa yellow.  Use all of the edges of your brush to create some nice texture and edges.

Keep using the large brush to paint in some dark rocks using a mixture burnt sienna, alizirin, and ultramarine blue, keep turning the brush to create nice expressive edges.  Using the same brush mix a combination of new gamboge, hanza yellow and all of the blues creating a wide range of greens.  Keep using all edges of your brushes.

scrape the lights off of the top of the rocks and the from the tree trunks.

Put in some details and dark accents, work all over the paper and try not to get totally absorbed in only one area.  For this part of the painting I move to a smaller round and rigger type brush.  Use the side of the brush with a vibrant blue to create the movement on the water.details of the water and rocks

more details of the water and rocks.

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