Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Workshops: Rockport Day 7

Sketch book with 4 value patterns from around the harbor at Camden, Maine.  Although this is considered by some to be very old school, I think it is imperative to organize thoughts in a simple statement before proceeding with actual painting.  This was the lesson for the morning.


Sketch book with 4 value patterns from around the harbor at Camden, Maine.  Although this is considered by some to be very old school, I think it is imperative to organize thoughts in a simple statement before proceeding with actual painting.  This was the lesson for the morning.

Quick little painting of one of the value patterns my attempt here was to get a feeling for the shapes, and possibilities for a painting before getting started on an actual effort.  Try several small quick paintings to get a feel not a finished product.

5 Comments on “Workshops: Rockport Day 7”

  1. Muchas gracias Steeve. Tienes disponibles más publicaciones, continuación de este workshop? me ha parecido muy interesante para seguirte en tus explicaciones y enseñanzas. Las acuarelas que encabezan el blog, sencillamente preciosas, fantásticas, muy bellas

  2. I speak English not very well, but I’ll try it. I said you in my previous mail the next: “Have you some other blogs or link about this workshop or other themes, perhaps anterior or posterior work days to me read more? This has been very interesting for me, and I would like follow you in your teaching and works. I like very much your watercolours in the headline, they are to me very pretty, wonderfull and fantastic. Thank you very much for your effort to understand me. Excuse my bad English please.

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