Steve Fleming

Artist Studio

Steve Fleming

Tag: watercolor

Creative Jumpstart: Pick a familiar subject

8 x 10 watercolor on arches I once read a passage from the great painter John Sargent that said something to the effect, “when outdoors give yourself 15 minutes and then paint what you are looking at”.  This is good advice for the artist looking to get more creative because we spend so much time

Creative Jumpstart: skies, lifts, and scrapes

In this jumpstart, I will use a very simple subject and try to get some good mileage out of it.  Now remember our goal here is to get moving, turn a corner or just fire up the creative juices and this exercise should really help.  Take the backs of several of those less successful pieces

Creative Jumpstarts: Draw/Paint a scene from Memory

Draw a scene from memory I have just returned from a trip to Southern Brazil and along the way I took at least 1 thousand photos of which I will probably never use any of them to paint from.  I use photos sparingly and only for specific detail information and color ideas but rarely do

Creative Jumpstarts Grab a Brush

Unless you are Koko the elephant who paints will his tail or Marvin the Miraculous who paints with his feet, you will probably be using a brush to deliver your creative intentions to the canvas or the paper.  I am a firm believer that in transparent watercolor, the quality  of the brushwork is one of

Creative Jumpstarts: Put in Some Drama

Put in Some Drama In this exercise I want you to add some conflict or tension to your compositions.  This will represent a challenge to those who have never stepped out of the comfort zone of copying a photograph.  Think about a way to arrange your shapes, change the values, colors or proportions to make