This group of paintings is part of a series of 100 watercolors I did over the course of six months about 10 years ago; it’s called “The Creation Series.” It is my interpretation of the earliest period of Earth.
I came up with this idea while watching a movie called “Off The Map” which has a wonderful sequence about a retired disillusioned IRS agent who learns to paint and produces this grand mural of the ocean. After watching the movie, I said to myself, I should just paint 100 paintings about the creation of the Earth — and so I did.
The paintings have been shown in various locations and many have sold but those that remain live in my basement with many of my other paintings. The medium used was watercolor and I employed a variety of methods: opaque, transparent, collage, ink and stencils to get some of the effects.
It was not my intention to paint realistically (although some pieces are); most are abstractions. I truly did this to enjoy the process and make no claims to scientific accuracy.
Over the next few weeks, I will add more of the images with descriptions. This is a work in progress.

No. 1 | Big Bang

No. 2 | Carbon Fire

No. 3 | Red Sky

No. 4 | Hot Spots

No. 5 | Life Begins
Hi Steve. After carefully observing the 5 watercolors of today, I have been in awe about your great creativity and your mastery of the technique. The titles of each one are very important as they help to understand the corresponding abstraction. I have loved all of them. Thank you very much for sharing.