This painting is just an impression, of one of those moments that exist for just a fraction of time. The brilliance of the sunset in the desert is so spectacular it can be a cliche if handled too sweetly. I tried to get the values right and to emphasize the concept that it is all about value not about color. I hope you like it.

11×14 oil on canvas panel
Red Sun screamed loudly
Slipping behind the earth’s edge
Putting me in place
Red Sky
The evening sky boiled like molten steel inside a blast furnace
Night’s green darkness crushed against the horizon
Squeezing orange crimson light across the desert’s blackened face
Eerie Mopani trees their silhouettes emblazoned
As they danced around the sunset’s fire
Their leaves and branches alive with heated colors of the setting sun
The Gods must be angry tonight
Said the father to the young boy
Whose innocent eyes reflected scarlet flare
Did we do something wrong father?
No son, not you, others
Just walk an honest path with a warrior’s grace
And god’s will light your face