Draw a scene from memory
I have just returned from a trip to Southern Brazil and along the way I took at least 1 thousand photos of which I will probably never use any of them to paint from. I use photos sparingly and only for specific detail information and color ideas but rarely do I sketch out the photo on my paper exactly or close to exactly as I see it in the photo. I find reproducing a photo to stunt and hinder my creativity from the moment I begin. I find myself always looking at things negatively such as “I can’t draw that” “ That’s not the right color” those types of thoughts. So mainly I begin expressing my trips with memory drawing a quick color sketches. I am not concerned about the details or the exactness I am only getting my reactions down and nothing more. The time I spend on this is short and I am not looking for complete, finished paintings just a memory snapshot. All of the images you see reside somewhere in your head you just have to find the file and open it.
Do a series of quick drawings and quickly apply the types of colors you remembered. Do many of these and you will begin to see the scenes in a more personal and expressive way15 x 22 memory drawing “Iguazu Falls, Brazil
Finished on original drawing with color total time 20 minutes this is just a quick memory painting
15 x 22 drawing on watercolor paper “Pantenal marsh”
Finished on drawing again just a quick memory painting total time 20 minutes